This is for a story in the most recent Atlantic Monthly, just now hitting the newsstands. The article is about bipartisanship; which candidate is most capable of dealing with the other side, and is dealing with the other side still possible? The author, Ronald Brownstein, isn't real optimistic, especially as the campaigns hit the downhill slide into election day and their rhetoric gets more toxic.
I like this drawing ok, it's nice and simple, and it's not often you get to do caricatures of presidential candidates with Mickey Mouse gloves.
Richard, the ONLY way to get that flat background is to stretch watercolor paper which -given what I know to be your prolific output, makes you a complete lunatic. P.S. stay out of politics: I'm working this side of the street.
Great work! Really elegant.
Now that the Daily Cartoonist isn't allowing comments, I'm going to have to post all my snarky, mean comments here. I hope that's all right.
Will they be amusing? I read this blog because it's amusing. Not because Richard pays me or anything...
Mike- yeah, it's stretched watercolor paper, but stretching the paper is the fun part; it's zen, or something. And I had to fool with the background in photoshop, the first time I've really had to do that. The paper was unevenly sized, that is, it had spots that resisited the paint, so I had to even it out with the clonestamping tool. Clonestamping can be fun too. And congratulations on syndication! It's long overdue.
Thanks Jeff!
Kid, please do, as long as it doesn't go off on a tangent about whether fBOFW retires...
Mike, amusing yes, instructive & educational, no. I'll see to that. Check's in the mail!
It's a beautiful piece of art, Richard. But Mickey Mouse gloves? Too many fingers!
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