The blog of Richard Thompson, caricaturist, creator of "Cul de Sac," and winner of the 2011 Reuben Award for Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
The Uninteresting Times

Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas Continued Some More, But Just Barely

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas Continued Some More

Saturday, December 26, 2009
Christmas Continued
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Winter Pageant

Dancing through the air,
We filter out pollution
To deposit everywhere.
Just stop what you are doing,
And admire our symmetry,
Our awesome shining whiteness and our
We muck around with traffic,
And disarrange your day,
We bring the gift of frostbite
And an exuse for kids to play
Games like "snowball down the collar,"
And "hit the passing cars."
And "decorate the snowman
With Dad's finest choice cigars."
We provide a chance to shovel:
There's no time for being bored.
Remember, Mother Nature
Doesn't like to be ignored."
Christmas Sweater Voting Now Open!

Monday, December 21, 2009
Saint Santa

Ancient and Unrelated Almanack
Friday, December 18, 2009
Winter's Jewels

Melting on your sweater
but not your underwear.
We are winter's jewels
dancing on the air.
We taste like icy diamonds, with
a hint of aged Gruyere.
We are winter's jewels
dancing on the air.
If we were REALLY jewels,
you'd be a zillionaire.
We are winter's jewels
dancing on the air.
On break, we go antiquing
and price Fiestaware.
We are winter's jewels
dancing on the air.
We tried to tell that golfer,
"Don't anger the au pair."
We are winter's jewels
dancing on the air.
Tax and tags included,
except in Delaware!
We are winter’s jewels,
Dancing through the air.
Crystal shards of starlight,
Sticking in your hair.
Accumulating on the ground,
A foot or two (or more).
We hope the plow comes down your street,
If you need to reach the store…
Traffic’s at a standstill!
Cabin fever’s rife!
Three months out of every year
We paralyze your life!
Heart attacks from shoveling!
Power lines that break!
So much havoc wrought from
Each tiny little flake!
But if by chance the sun comes out,
And melts us all away,
Remember Frosty’s vengeful vow:
”I’LL BE BACK… on Christmas Day!”
Last Day! Christmas Sweater Contest! Prizes Prizes Prizes!

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Today's Cul de Sac

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Christmas Sweater Contest! Prizes Prizes Prizes!

The folks over at GoComics, providers of some of the finest cartoons online (and Cul de Sac too), have announced a Christmas Sweater Contest inspired by Ms. Madeline Otterloop's Christmas sweater-of-many-holidays. Do you have a Christmas sweater so ridiculous that it's very existence makes you question the whole nature of reality? (I don't, but there is a festive potholder in the kitchen drawer that tests my sanity every time I behold it). You could win these great prizes- a Cul de Sac book signed by me (with a drawing too), the Complete Calvin & Hobbes (ooh!), and the admiration of your peers, who've been secretly mocking your Christmas sweater behind your back.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Fan Art Saturday Falls On A Saturday, After Already Falling on a Thursday

The Wizard

Friday, December 11, 2009
Will the Merchandising Never Stop?

Simply by going here. Or through the Gocomics Cul de Sac page.
Thursday, December 10, 2009

'Editor & Publisher' to Cease Publication After 125 Years By Shawn Moynihan Published: December 10, 2009 12:13 PM ET NEW YORK Editor & Publisher, the bible of the newspaper industry and a journalism institution that traces its origins back to 1884, is ceasing publication. |
Just in Time for Christmas Giving!

Universal Uclick tells me they have now partnered with Zazzle to offer all the Cul de Sac-related products that you could ever possibly want, and then some. Including neckties, hats, keychains, hot water heaters, automotive repair, medical devices, pet needs and home furnishings! Go here if you dare.
Fan Art Saturday Falls On A Thursday This Week

The ingenious and hugely talented illustrator and cartoonist Ted Dawson wondered what Alice would look like as A Harveytoon. And being an ingenious and hugely talented illustrator and cartoonist, he did something about it and very kindly sent it to me.
Ted is also a partner, along with the ingenious and hugely talented Wes Hargis, in the sketchblog Three Men in a Tub, which I highly recommend.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Old Stuff
Fan Art Saturday Falls On A Monday This Week

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Fan Art Saturday- Updated!

And from Mr. David Troy, the master of design from Los Angeles, we've just received this ingenious view of Petey. A sort of psychological portrait in signage, or diagram, form. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Petey Piechart-
Friday, December 4, 2009
Alice in Sweden

She's in Swedish! Who knew? Nobody tells me anything, for which I'm thankful. And Mr. Fredrik Strömberg approves.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Now Available at the Otterloop Store

Sneak Peek
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Fan Art Saturday Falls On A Saturday This Week Again! Maybe the Universe is Working Right After All
First my friend Jack Gartner has caught the tone of the strip perfectly; everyone's off in his or her own little world. If only they could somehow combine their dreams into one larger dream. Beni builds Toy World, Dill pushes carts in the parking lot, and you have to go through Alice to get inside, probably after an enforced period of watching her dance. And Mr.Danders is being ignored, just like in real life. Thanks, Jack, there's a whole Sunday strip right there!


Friday, November 27, 2009
The Comics Reporter's Black Friday Shopping Guide 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thanksgiving 2004
A Holiday Classic

Seventeen years ago today, my wife, Amy, and I were about to celebrate our first Thanksgiving as a married couple. We were going to serve a large feast on our new plates on our new table in our newly rented home for as many of our extended family as could make it. The night before Thanksgiving we went to a bar with friends and we had a most festive and enjoyable time, I personally enjoying it more than anyone else. When we got home, in hopes of coninuing my festively enjoyable time, I started dancing around like Fred Astaire would if Fred Astaire danced in his socks.
Our house was old and strangely shaped and it was heated by radiators, big iron monsters, all coils and ribs and flanges. The kind of fixture that would give sensitive children nightmares. I, as Fred Astaire would not, executed a kick that planted my foot squarely into the radiator in the hall, good and hard.
Amy, seeing me suddenly rolling around on the floor, thought I was still enjoying myself, until I pulled my sock off. One toe was bent completely back, and since it was the middle one, it looked like my foot was giving me the toe, if you know what I mean. It was indescrabably funny, in a silent-film-comedy-trauma way. And it hurt like "the dickens". The dickens is when the entire output of Charles Dickens-all 15 hardbound novels, plus journalism, letters and ephemera-is simultaneously dropped from a height and hits you.
The folks at the emergency room were extremely helpful and didn't laugh and didn't yell at me when I did some doughnuts with the wheelchair and knocked over the IV stand. But the nurse on duty did tell me an awful story about when he was in the Navy and won a $300 bet that he couldn't pull all the hairs off the top of his foot with tweezers without screaming. And they gave me some Tylenol 3, the kind with codeine, the kind that comes with the warning that not everybody reacts well to codeine.
So that is how I ended up at the head of our table the next day, Thanksgiving Day, with my mangled foot elevated on another chair, presiding over our first Thanksgiving feast. And that is when, not ten minutes into the meal, I fould out I was one of the people who react badly to codeine. And it was Amy who quickly handed me a bowl, the fancy one that matched our new plates and was fortunately empty, for me to react badly in.
It's been 16 years. The toe's still there, of course, though it's still bent a little funny. The house is gone, or at least so renovated it's unrecognizable, and good riddance; it was an astestos-clad eyesore and a menace.
Somehow, subsequent family holidays have never quite matched that First Thanksgiving for intensity of emotion; not the Christmas of the Flaming Oven Mitt, or the Other Thanksgiving When the Fireplace Blew Up, or that Day or Two Before Easter When We Had to Evacuate Because of a Carbon Monoxide Leak That Almost Killed Everybody.
The only downside is that, ever since I broke my toe that night, I've been forced to draw with my hands.