Just to keep things confusing, here's the final finished cover for the next book, due out late this Fall. Will the fun never stop?
The blog of Richard Thompson, caricaturist, creator of "Cul de Sac," and winner of the 2011 Reuben Award for Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Hot 'n' Humid
Here's an ancient Poor Almanac from about '99 or '00 (I really should put dates on these things). DC is currently about 95ยบ with humidity around total saturation levels. This goes out to Maria A. with all best wishes and hopes that she's cool, collected and comfortable.
And here's a bonus color sing-a-long. It's not the Dog Days yet, but posting it early will give us all a chance to learn the song in plenty of time.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Commercial Announcement, Updated
UPDATE: now Amazon says it's not yet available. Or the entire print run is sold out, I don't know which.
UPDATE: now Amazon says it's available again! Quick! Hurry! Time is running out! The whole thing may evaporate at any moment!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Arrival of Summer
Here are two old Almanacs on the same theme. I cast a big sweaty slow-witted guy as Summer because it makes sense, at least if you live here in the hot and humid side of the country.
The one below ran a few years later when I guess Summer arrived early.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Mr. Otterloop
In honor of Father's Day here are a few very early Cul de Sacs with some floundering attempts to delineate the character of Peter Otterloop, Senior.
I did give him a puny car early on. This was from March of 04, predating the previous strip by a month.
And I tried to give Mr.Otterloop more of a personal milieu once or twice. This is from November of 05. Mad Dog Mayhew was based on several people, not the least my late friend Joe Mayhew, who worked at the Library of Congress for years and who knew more about South American literature and science fiction and everything else than anyone I've yet met (though I doubt he liked military history much).
So these were some early attempts to enlarge the strip before it'd quite found its focus. The characters aren't yet who they were later on and the gags and pacing is clunky. And Mr. Otterloop looks like a bug in those first two. I was going to add a final sentence starting "But...", but I can't think of one.
The Post Magazine strip was more explicitly set in DC than the syndicated version so Mr. Otterloop's government job was a slightly larger part of the strip. My dad had worked in government off and on for years, mostly in fields related to public health, and I knew a bit about the workings of regulatory agencies from him. And I'd done freelance work for a few places like the FDA and USDA. Back in the 80s I did a bunch of illustrations for a magazine called Food News for the USDA and went to meetings in their main building called the U.S. Agricultural Research Service, a big old place that mingles with the Smithsonian and Freer Gallery on the Mall. The meetings would be on the top floor, away from the fancier part of the building which includes the Secretary of Agriculture's office and a huge lobby. Up there were long echoey corridors, high ceilings, skylights overhead and doors with transoms. It was kind of remote and peaceful and I liked it and I liked the people who worked there. So I put Mr. Otterloop in a similar place. But I never really developed that side of the strip. Office humor isn't my forte, others do it much better, and Alice kept interrupting whatever else I tried to do with the strip.
I did give him a puny car early on. This was from March of 04, predating the previous strip by a month.
And I tried to give Mr.Otterloop more of a personal milieu once or twice. This is from November of 05. Mad Dog Mayhew was based on several people, not the least my late friend Joe Mayhew, who worked at the Library of Congress for years and who knew more about South American literature and science fiction and everything else than anyone I've yet met (though I doubt he liked military history much).
So these were some early attempts to enlarge the strip before it'd quite found its focus. The characters aren't yet who they were later on and the gags and pacing is clunky. And Mr. Otterloop looks like a bug in those first two. I was going to add a final sentence starting "But...", but I can't think of one.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Today's Cul de Sac in an Earlier Form
This was done for the Post Magazine in (I think) 2006 and I redrew it (from faulty memory) for today's daily Cul de Sac. Post-apocalyptic wastelands are fun to draw, as you can tell from any video game.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Happy Bloomsday!
All around the world folks are gathering to celebrate Bloomsday, that day in 1904 when Leo Bloom and Stephen Dedalus had all sorts of wacky adventures around Dublin in James Joyce's Ulysses. Having skimmed the book, read the jacket copy and heard the book mentioned somewhere, I felt compelled to express my love for Ulysses in several old Almanac cartoons.

This was from about ten years ago when Ulysses was named the Novel of the Century by a panel of experts. It's scanned from an old copy, as I gave the original to someone.

And this one is probably more helpful, as it reduces Ulysses down into more easily digestible form. It's accurate enough for classroom use, so feel free to crib from it, but please provide attribution.
The only Joyce work I've really read is Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, though I've read a good bit of Dubliners. We read PotAaaYM in 11th grade and I enjoyed it well enough, with help from a good English teacher. I've tried Finnegan's Wake a few times without success. It's one of those works you can only approach after a good bit of preparation, study, exercise, dieting and psychic purging I guess, and I'm not yet worthy. You can't just plunge in and let it wash over you, which is how I read Gravity's Rainbow and most of the rest of Thomas Pynchon. After 3 or 4 times swimming through it, Gravity's Rainbow made perfect sense. No it didn't, but it became less obscure. The first few times I just enjoyed the jokes, songs and vivid scenes and didn't worry too much. Actually, I only read it the first time after I heard that Pynchon, a notorious recluse, sent the vaudeville comic Professor Irwin Corey to pick up the National Book Award he won for Gravity's Rainbow and I thought, hey, that book's bound to be a hoot. If I was braver I'd do a cartoon about Gravity's Rainbow, but not yet. I'll wait for my 15th read through, which won't happen till sometime in 2035 at my present rate.
Meanwhile, happy Bloomsday, and if you go on any epic pubcrawls, let me know.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Today's Cul de Sac. OK, Yesterday's
This was fun to draw, so I'm posting it. Though I was worried that it stopped making sense about 3 balloons in. So I added some more crosshatching, just to distract potentially confused readers
Your Unnecessary Spot Illustrations of the Day, Caricature Division
Speaking of unlikely intersections, I found this in a drawer. It was for the last page of Smithsonian Magazine about 5 years ago to illustrate a funny piece imagining Leo Tolstoy appearing on Oprah to shill for his book Anna Karenina. Tolstoy is a peach to draw, with that massive beard and big wedge of a nose. They don't make faces like that these days, of if they do, the don't put them on authors.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Your Answer in Essay Form
Please post you answer to this question (at right>) in the Comments section-
And thanks for all your answers in essay form!
In the Washington Post, Cul de Sac now appears on page C-2 next to Doonesbury. This is a-UPDATE- I asked for longer answers mostly because I was of two minds about the move. On the one hand I liked being on the comics page among all the strips I've read for so long. On the other hand, C-2 is a fine place to be, Doonesbury is a good neighbor to have and no strips were dropped from the Post lineup. From what I've heard, there was a good bit of editorial thinking on this by a whole stack of editors at the Post, and that was good to hear. So often editors are, often justly, accused of only looking at the comics out of the corner of their eyes, glancingly, to make sure they're still there and no funny business is going on. In this case decisions were made and for good reasons. So I'm fine with the move and as always it's just nice to see my strip on actual newsprint, every day.
And thanks for all your answers in essay form!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Barney & Clyde
Congratulations to my friends Gene & Dan Weingarten and David Clark on the launch of their daily comic strip, Barney & Clyde! I wish them great success. I have a personal stake in this as I introduced Gene to David and assured them all that this is a terrific time to launch a syndicated daily newspaper comic strip.
Above is an old illustration I did for Gene's Post Magazine column. I don't remember what the subject matter was for this, but it does look like me and Gene. Kinda.
Friday, June 4, 2010
HeroesCon 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Today's Cul de Sac, Again
Again, we present this as a public service as the strip isn't loading on GoComics. We apologize for any inconvenience, and assure you that, though this is not our fault, measures are being taken to remedy this situation. Though we aren't sure what they are.
UPDATE- Today's strip is up at GoComics, and so is yesterday's.
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