The Cul de Sac book is now officially listed as "in stock" at Amazon. My thanks to Mark Tatulli for pointing this out to me, as I hadn't checked the Amazon site in almost 15 minutes.
UPDATE: It's now reverted to "ships in 3 to 5 weeks". Next time I see JeFf Bezos I'm going to give him a stern lecture on Not Yanking People Around.
How come all your boxes are from amazon Japan (amazon.co.jp)?
I'm a new fan of yours! I found you on the internets several months ago, and now look forward to seeing Cul de Sac in my IN box every morning.
I have been a life long follower of comic strips and editorial cartoons, and have done both in the past myself. It is great to see another comic strip come along that I really enjoy reading.
I ordered both Richard's Poor Almanac and Cul de Sac from Amazon a couple of weeks ago. The Almanac came quickly, but CdS was to ship later. Finally got a note from Amazon which said to expect it to be shipped the LAST week of October! ...ugh!
I went to Barnes and Noble and found about 6 copies on the BOTTOM shelf of the HUMOR section. Would you ever consider changing your name to Richard Aardvark? You would get a much better position on bookshelves that way.
Hi Richard,
Unfortunately I pre-ordered my CdS book from Borders back in August,(I had a gift certificate), and they told me today I wont get it until sometime in late October.
I just know there is a cartoon somewhere about this whole thing, I just have not thought of it yet. Arghhh!!!!
Mine shipped on the 18th from Amazon as a preorder. You've got such a big response from everyone... I'm curious if the first printing sells out fast!
I just got notice mine shipped from Amazon at 5:33 PM (EST)!
(Pre-ordered on 8/20/08).
I had pre-ordered it on Amazon, but then cancelled it yesterday and ordered it from Barnes & Noble online, and it's already shipped. So that seems to have worked.
Wasn't sure if I'd said anything yet here Richard, but this is (by a long shot) my new favorite strip. I really love checking in on the Otterloops every day.
For anyone keeping score at home: The Book has arrived.
ARGHHHHHHHHHHH! I pre-ordered on Amazon and my delivery date is October 16 to the 29..... maybe I will get them in time for Christmas..... I hope
I look forward to reading your strip every morning... a wonderful way to start my day, Thanks
As I told Richard the other day, after getting the "october delay" email, I actually got a "in the mail" email the other day and got my book the next day (I think tuesday). It pays to live 30 minutes from the amazon hub in delaware.
I'm just going to track Richard down and get it directly from him. This seems to be the most efficient method.
I received mine yesterday!
So who's this Bill Watterson guy who loves your strip so much?
ordered mine here in england from amazon.co.uk and it was dispatched yesterday - can't wait for the post tomorrow!
I think that Watterson guy does drywall or somthing...
For what it's worth, I got my copy from Amazon on Friday and my wife and I have been fighting over it since.
So have faith, guys! Yours might be coming soon.
The one I ordered from the local independent book store showed up today. Maybe I'll let them hang onto it for a day or two and read through it and decide to order a bunch more for the store....
Thanks for all your comments and for your patronage too! I just got a message from Amazon saying that my order shipped (just testin' Amazon, y'know). So maybe now it's generally available and all the preorders'll show up.
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