I'll be away till Monday night, so youall have fun, and please leave a joke, riddle or amusing anecdote in the comments section. Then if you still need entertainment go visit one of the nice links I've arranged for you in the right hand column. And if you feel you need to preorder a Cul de Sac book, please avail yourself of the link also to your right. Those who do will note an interesting addition to the Editorial Review section of the Amazon page; the book's complete foreword by Mr. Bill Watterson. Made me blush so hard I got a nosebleed.
And while I'm away check in at Heroescon just to see if any fresh embarrassing photos show up.
I don't want to contribute to your exsanguination, but Watterson's got it exactly right. Have fun in the bowels of the transformer!
First time commenter, long time reader!
It's interesting that I latched onto Alice and Cul de Sac after reading a complimentary mention by Bill Watterson. As a devoted C&H fan, I found a home in Cul de Sac that I've been missing for quite a while. It also reminds me that in the Calvin and Hobbes 10th Anniversary book, Watterson talked about Suzy Derkins and thought that someone should take up a young girls' perspective in a comic strip. I'm so glad Alice's story has come along.
Forward by Mr. Watterson? Okay, now I KNOW you've sold your soul to the Devil. Which crossroads was it? And does the Devil take American Express?
Let me add to the nosebleed quotient: Couldn't have happened to a nicer, more talented guy, Richard. I'm so looking forward to the collection this fall.
Have a great time chatting onstage with Mr. Spurgeon. And remember to act smart and be respectful!
Are you taking the train like you did to the Reubens???
"The artwork in Cul de Sac bowls me over." Yes, yes and yes. That's why I've been an avid fan ever since I found your art work disguised as comics in the "Washington Post" lo these many years.
Now put some tissue in your nose and indulge in a bit of pride.
Have a great trip.
(And did I not call the Great Itchy Dress Fiasco at Petey's recital??)
A foreword by Bill Watterson? Get outta town!
Oh, you did.
Have fun and regale us with superheroic stories on your return.
I'm off to bed, but here's a bunch of pics of Richard - http://www.flickr.com/photos/42072348@N00/sets/72157605779318398/
I'm fairly new to Cul de Sac, but have been catching up. I'm greatly looking forward to the book collection and want to add my congrats to having the forward written by Bill Watterson. That's better than a Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval!
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