Here's another Adventure of Danders, this one being his Search for Love, specifically a Lost Love. As I'm going away for a week I feel obliged to leave something lengthy for your enjoyment. This, like the previous Adventure of Danders, will be available in the Cul de Sac book, in full, living color, just as you see it here. Why do I post these huge excerpts from an unreleased book despite the fact that it may cut into sales because everybody's now seen it on the web? I don't know, good question.
Spoiler alert- the end is really sad, so, you know, brace yourself.

Answer: You're showing them to me for free because you know my granddaughter has already ready all the Barnaby collections and will be needing a birthday present at some point, hopefully just after the book is released. And if the Uh-Oh Baby doesn't make the cut this time, I hope he's in the next collection.
I feel fwumpy today. (Poor Danders. He never catches a break.)
Is it Neil Gaiman who's put the full text of one of his novels on the web? And it's been selling great guns, better than his others. I don't know if any good number-crunching has been done on this, but I strongly suspect that it's a good marketing move.
Given the take of Batman this week, Danders may just be the studios' next million dollar baby.
I smell a franchise. Oh wait, Danders' cage just needs to be cleaned.
Because in the book, the sequence has a happy ending, right? right?
Poor Danders.
I loved the coloring machine gag in the last strip. Witness the random insanity of small children.
this is very much making me want to buy the cul de sac book so, definitely, no, you really shouldn't post things like that on a public blog, it obviously contributes to deforestation.
Posting them doesn't make much difference in my case because (a) I've had the book on pre-order from Amazon for weeks, and (b) I read them all in the Post Magazine when they first came out. "Urmart" is genius.
Ms. Fermat's knuckle-tat: genius!
i really thought that it was going to be much sadder- you know, what with t the frailty of small rodents and all.
really beautifull work!
Sadly Cul de sac isnt published here in Denver- These must be the Sundays ya? how nice to have continuing adventures in color!
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