Are you tired of greeting cards that are too thoughtful? That announce their sensitivity trght from the get-go, leaving you no space for nuanced crudities? Well, the good people at Thompsoniana are here to help, with thousands* of card designs that are both attractive and uncommunicative. Hey, we're up to our eyeballs in images here, there's gotta be some way to turn them into cash!
Boy, if I got that in the mail I wouldn't know what to think. But I'd sure like to send it! Do you have anything for that hard-to-buy-for relative with a fondness for silly cosmologies?
How about friends whose brains float?
Suicidal clowns?
Something better?
A cranky, freshly-awoken Brunnhilde?
Something with a heart in it?
How about a heart with some math?
Do you have any greeting cards which might appeal to a cat fancier who's also fond of music?
Wow, what a wide selection of cards! How about occasions? Anything for Mozart's Birthday?
How about Beethoven?
Presidents' Day?
The Forth of July?
How about something literary?
Do you have anything that'd be appropriate for someone who's experiencing an existential crisis?
Well, I'm sold, even though the whole thing is repurposing existing images for some bucks! Now I can't wait to rely on the U.S. Postal Service for all my communication needs! Say, how much are these cards going to end up costing me? They look awful fancy.
Holy cats, only $2.95 a card? I'm doing all my card shopping at Thompsoniana! Only an ungrateful fool would do otherwise!