The blog of Richard Thompson, caricaturist, creator of "Cul de Sac," and winner of the 2011 Reuben Award for Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Cartoonist Richard Thompson has passed away

I've been informed by Richard's best friend Nick Galifianakis that Richard passed away today due to the effects of Parkinson's Disease. We're poorer for his loss, but richer for his life and art.


Mike Lynch said...

A terrible, terrible tragic loss. What a cartoonist. What a gentleman. This will resonate with me forever. Deepest condolences to his wife and children. I am so sad.

Mark Anderson said...

Oh my goodness, I can't express how much I will miss him.

Unknown said...

Oh no, I'm so sorry. I still love reading Cul de Sac. My condolences to all who loved him.

katy said...

SO sad to read this. He was such a big talent.

Hallowtide said...

My heart breaks. He was the Mozart of cartoonists.

Dave T said...

I am devastated. I mourned the loss of Cul de Sac a few years back, but it was somehow bearable knowing that Richard Thompson was still around and that we could still delight with him in his work. Now, as I pore over his books, it will be with a deep sense of loneliness that the light behind it has gone out. What a legacy.

Here is the Wash Post obit:

Unknown said...

Mr Thompson gave me such joy and laughter in my life, I'm sorry that I never had to chance to tell him how much I enjoyed his work. The world is a much poorer place today with his passing.

Hélène said...

The only happy thing about an artist's death is that his creation is still alive. I was reading Cul de Sac in english, and was very glad this year to find a french book in France to make my children read it. They liked it very much.

I'm very sad to learn that his death was because of parkinson : it must be horrible for a cartoonist, it must unable you to draw like you want.

I send a lot of friendly thoughts to his family and friends, who had such chance to leave near someone like him, to really meet him.

Anonymous said...

Anyone with half a talent is called a genius these days but Richard Thompson really was. There was so much expression in every line he made. His body of work will live on but how sad that this funny, talented and lovely man is no longer with us. My condolences to his family and friends and to those who, like me, only knew him through his work.

Michael Richards

Miss Lisa said...

So much heart and humor and imagination in all his work, plus his wonderful style and draftsmanship. A huge inspiration. I hope we can find a way to manage and cure Parkinson's in our lifetime. It takes away so many good people. RIP, Mr. Thompson. Thank you for all your wonderful comics.

Unknown said...

What a tragic loss. I was lucky enough to know Richard since the late '70s when he had yet to venture forth professionally, I watched his arrival in print and stood in awe as his talents took him to the pages of TEXAS MONTHLY, THE NEW YORKER and, of course, all over the POST. As an art director I was lucky enough to work with him in the late '80s and early '90s, and was lucky enough to remain his pal even after his success in syndication, and after. He was truly gifted as both an artist and a human being. I can't decide which I'll miss more. He won't be forgotten.

Damn, I'll bet he's already having drinks with Herriman and Searle...

Mark Hill said...

Terrible news. Richard was a tremendous humorist and illustrator...a complete cartoonist.

A very sad day in the world of cartoonists, (with Jack Davis passing away, as well.)

Unknown said...

I met him once, at the Reubens in Boston. A truly genuine man with an incredible mind.

tayete said...

A real artist has gone. His style will live forever.

Kathy said...

Richard Thompson truly was genius. Thanks for your amazing art and commentary.
Condolences to family, friends.

Unknown said...

That is such sad sad news. The world has lost a giant. I bear not think of the pain his family must be going through.

Sleep well, Richard.. maybe you'll get to draw the clouds we'll see in our skies in the future.

Trapper John said...

This is so damn sad. When my wife and I moved to DC in 2001, not knowing hardly anyone here, we immediately fell in love with Richard's Poor Almanac, from which we learned so many of the weird folkways of the DMV (don't get lost on Glebe Roads!). I still remember how pleased we were when the Post gave Richard a new strip in the Sunday Magazine. Who could have imagined that it would become the greatest strip since Calvin & Hobbes, and maybe Pogo?

Vale Richard Thompson - the greatest comic strip creator of a generation, and a great Washingtonian.

William Coulter said...

I am glad to have known and admired Richard during his years at the Post. Clearly the finest illustrator/artist/humorist the Post has ever utilized. He Will be sorely missed.

SonnyMoon42 said...

The last of the great newspaper comic strip artists. So sad.

Anonymous said...

as a fellow freelance illustrator here in the metro d.c. area all thru the 80's and 90's...I often ran into Richard and his magnificent work,...while competing for the same jobs often,...and how often I lost to him,...probably stands in the hundreds of times,...I'm old enough to now realize?...that my talents were indeed very meager by comparison,lol..and those art directors chose very wisely...he was only about 10000 times the artist and illustrator I ever was...I admired him as an artist, and a person,...I met him years ago at various parties we illustrator would have together, and he was always a most humble and very polite person,...and I will always be thankful for the very kind referral of my name once,...for a big poster commission for NIH,...that he was too busy to do, and kindly referred them my way, in peace wonderful man,...and may your family know how much all us who toiled in that field, lo those many years ago...looked up to him and his well deserved success!...we all send heart felt condolences....

Anonymous said...

I should add my name...Lew azzinaro, the above comment...and continue,..that Richard and his talents were indeed? in a million...

Unknown said...

I think cul de sac was one of the few comic strips I ever read that truly made me laugh. I even dressed up as Petey for Halloween a few times. Words cannot express how much I and everyone else that read his works will truly miss him.

Unknown said...

I think cul de sac was one of the few comic strips I ever read that truly made me laugh. I even dressed up as Petey for Halloween a few times. Words cannot express how much I and everyone else that read his works will truly miss him.