The statistics above are provided by Amazon.com, where they used to appear on the page for the paperback collection of Richard's Poor Almanac. I'm not really sure what they mean, but boy, whatever they're describing sounds great, and it's probably a bargain, too. Or it would be if you could find it for less than $82.49.
Well now you can! As I've mentioned before, our fine local independent bookstore One More Page Books, under exclusive contract*, is the sole vendor of all those copies of Richard's Poor Almanac I bought cheap when the publisher went under. I mention this because my wife just dropped off a whole box of the wretched things because we're moving and space is tight. SIGNED COPIES are going for the original cover price of $15 (that's in 2004 dollars!) and they'll ship your book right to your door for just $4. Run on over to 2200 N. Westmoreland Street, Suite 101 Arlington, VA, 22213 or call 703-300-9746 or email info@onemorepagebooks.com. Mention that you saw this offer on my blog and you'll get a blank stare!
Whew! Finally! I've been on their waiting list now for umpteen years for this gosh-darned book. Every time I ask if it's in, they tell me, "Mr. Thompson has been engaged in important matters much more significantly important than yours, so you you'll just have to wait for it, buster."
I hope I get the special slip-cased edition with the original sketch of Richard Nixon or his look-alike! I hear those are good. that's what I requested, anyways....
What a great Mother's Day for me! Hubby pre-ordered the Complete Cul de Sac for my MD gift and now I find it might be possible to purchase Richard's Poor Almanac!! Oh, happy day.
Wishing you and your family well,
Laura Mehl
ack! They wont ship to Europe...sniff sniff...
I have a copy of this book! I'll sell it to you for ONE MILLION DOLLARS. A bargain at twice the price!
It has no peer. Sublimity.
So disappointed, by the time I called to order Poor Richard's Almanac they were gone! Sigh.
Kathy- I've got more. Not lots, but more.
Richard - Thank you so much for offering but guess what?!? Since I sent an email to them on the 12th they had a book set aside for me. Glad I thought to call back and mention the email.
The nice lady at the book store said they've be overwhelmed since word got out that Richard's Poor Almanac is (was) there.
Mr Thompson, since I can't get the shop to ship to Switzerland, could I trouble you to slip one of your "more" into the mail for me? If it's too much of a hassle, I understand. Thanks!
I have been reading out a few of your articles and I can state pretty nice stuff. I will surely bookmark your website.
Engagement Anniversary
Yay, Richard's Poor Almanac came today and it's a beautiful very well constructed paperback. Soft on the outside (really nice paper) and fabulous on the inside (writing and drawing). So many cartoons that I remember from the Post. I feel fortunate to have gotten a copy!
Thank you, Richard.
I'm sad because I *just* saw this post and would've bought this in a heartbeat...
Yeah, unfortunately when I emailed them a few weeks back they were sold out. Maybe next time...
I sent another box of about 45 copies. I've got maybe 2 - 3 boxes left...
Just got an email! Made my life (or at least my day!). Thanks!
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