The blog of Richard Thompson, caricaturist, creator of "Cul de Sac," and winner of the 2011 Reuben Award for Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cul de Sac for March 26, 2012

Starting tomorrow, March 26th, I'll be producing Cul de Sac with the assistance of Stacy Curtis. Stacy's a cartoonist, illustrator and printmaker who draws editorial cartoons, comics and illustrations and is now doing mostly children's books (I find children's book illustrators to be uniquely trustworthy). He'll be doing the inking, mostly on the daily Cul de Sacs. He also promises to go out for doughnuts and coffee, a nice gesture but somewhat useless as he lives 700 miles away.

Except for freelancing illustration, which is by its nature collaborative, I've never worked with anyone before. Some types of comics are built for this kind of piece-work, notably comic books, which distribute the work among divers hands much the way a medieval studio would. But a comic strip, being small and intensely imagined, usually has just one name on it, usually the guy who started it (though often anonymous craftsmen are involved in writing, drawing, lettering,  etc. - ssshh! you didn't hear it from me).

I'll continue to write Cul de Sac and draw roughs for Stacy to try to decipher and I'll do as much of the final inking as I can. Of the weeks of strips we've produced so far I've inked only the Sundays, though that may vary from week to week. 

This change isn't made lightly; I'm as obsessive and grabby and unwilling to share as some four-year-olds I could name. But after some months of missed deadlines and last-minute repeats I'm willing to bend a little. My thanks to the folks at Universal for being sensitive and helpful, especially John Glynn, one of the most helpful and sensitive former Chicago cops I've worked with; Shena Wolf, a more appreciative and unflappable editor than I deserve; and Lee Salem, the most supportive man in the business.

And thanks, Stacy. So far so good, huh?


Barbara L. Hanson said...

Welcome back! You have been in my thoughts often. (I was going to say "all our thoughts," but that read in a creepily ambiguous way.)

Unknown said...

Welcome back, Richard. Sounds like a good arrangement.

Douglas A. Waltz said...

That explains why I don't like the new art.

chris said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tom Dougherty said...

Welcome back to the grind, sir! We've missed you!

Philip Nel said...

What Tom Dougherty said. We have missed you, and look forward to the Stacy-Curtis-inked strips... and to the next Cul de Sac book... and the Team Cul de Sac book. I tell every comics-lover I know about Cul de Sac. It's one of the greats, up there with Krazy Kat, Calvin & Hobbes, and Barnaby.

Tom Falco said...

Welcome back. You were missed.

Billy O said...

Worthy subs, but not the original

Mike Rhode said...

Didn't Mom used to have red hair?

Jim O. said...

The first strip (today's!) looked great. Glad you're back, and happy with how things are going.

Joyce said...

Welcome back, Mr. Thompson!

Rod McKie said...

Hey Richard; how lovely to see/hear you again. You'll be a good match, Stacy's a top man; despite that girly name.

edi mide said...

So happy to have new Cul de Sac strips! I'm sure it's difficult giving up some control over the process, so thank you for continuing your excellent work.

Eric Helmuth said...

Is the art slightly different? Sure. Do I care? Not in the least, because this means Cul de Sac is back and it's a joyous thing. Anyway, Stacy's doing a great job. Richard, thanks you so very much for taking this step and continuing to share your delightful gifts with the world.

Anonymous said...

I love the strip still. Hope you will be able to get a handle on it. Today's Sunday. I hated it. LOL. Good luck to you.
Dana Gay.

Eric said...

Glad to hear that one of my favorite currently-working cartoonists is currently working again. :)

Adam said...

I'm glad you're back, and enjoyed all of the guest artists! For me, the current art style detracts just a little because it doesn't seem as polished as before. The humor and the characters are still great, of course. I'm so grateful you are continuing the strip!

angryparsnip said...

Glad to hear your back.
I have enjoyed all the great guest artists.
I am glad you have worked out some sort of working assistance with Stacy Curtis. Good for us readers and hopefully great for you.

cheers, parsnip