The blog of Richard Thompson, caricaturist, creator of "Cul de Sac," and winner of the 2011 Reuben Award for Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Free Comic Book Day, A Compendium of Old Almanacs
As everyone on Earth knows, Saturday is Free Comic Book Day. Here, again, are Poor Almanacs from the last 4 years that celebrated this fine national holiday. In other words it's another lazy repost. Mangaloid Wars X: Giant Spazzoid Zombie Robots Invade (third below) is the best thing I've ever written, I think. I should have Petey read that comic

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Fan Art Saturday Falls On A Wednesday
Ms. Tzipporah Mayesh of Los Angeles sent me this lovely drawing of Alice and Petey giving conflicting directions. She drew it on a postcard and wrote a very nice note on the back. Tzipporah attends Yavneh Hebrew Academy in Los Angeles, where she's a student in the art class taught by the great Rama Hughes. If I'd been a student of Rama's I'd really know how to draw by now.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Your Unnecessary Spot Illustration of the Day, or, Goldman Sacked
Saturday, April 24, 2010
In Celebration of National Poetry Month
Here are two views of T.S. Eliot and a limerick. The first Eliot I did for the Wash Post Book World in the late 80s. Actually, this one wasn't used; I rejected this drawing and did a second one that, though almost identical (not shown), was somehow better to my eye and turned that one in along with a companion illustration of G.B. Shaw (and I sold 'em both to Michael Dirda of the Post for like, really cheap). But I kept this one I'd rejected. Now I'm not sure what's wrong with this Eliot. Maybe he doesn't look enough like a ventriloquist's dummy, or the nostril isn't sufficiently ornate.
The second, lower Eliot is from a great book called The Holy Tango of Literature by Francis Heaney that I illustrated back in two thousand and aught four. And the limerick I wrote because it was fun.
Though donnish and quite dignified,
Tom Eliot once versified,
On the greenish-tiled wall
Of a men's restroom stall,
He signed it and then flushed with pride.

Tom Eliot once versified,
On the greenish-tiled wall
Of a men's restroom stall,
He signed it and then flushed with pride.

HeroesCon 2010

Thanks to the supremely talented and hospitable Dustin Harbin, I've just been invited to HeroesCon in Charlotte NC this coming June. Oh boy! Mike Rhode and I attended in 2008, had a thoroughly wonderful time, then last year I had to cancel at the last minute because of crummy health. But this year I'll be ready for it! All those fine people and fine food and the Queen City of the South, which was my Mom's hometown.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Earth Day Again
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Another Animation
This time I"ll try to embed it here. The cartoon this is based on was originally drawn in early 2004 for the Post Magazine and redrawn for the syndicated strip in 2008. In 2005 I saw a joke about a kindergarten teacher afflicted with glitterlung at The Onion. Coincidence? Yeah, I'm sure it was, but I got there first (though they get more points for calling it "pneumosparkliosis").
You'll note that among the very talented voice actors is my wife, the fabulous Amy, as Madeline Otterloop. To see more go here.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Your Unnecessary Spot Illustration of the Day
This was for something, I'm not sure what. Either a Gene Weingarten column, a Joel Achenbach column or an E.J. Dionne column, no doubt about dot coms. Whatever, I like it. Mostly because the artist looks so intense, like one of those New York abstract expressionists or post-expressionists of the 50s who in photos always seemed to have the entire existential weight of the world on their shoulders.
Some Small Drawings for Project X
These are some small random-seeming drawings I did for a project I'm working on in all this spare time I've got on my hands. It's a secret right now, but once it's completed and unveiled before an unsuspected world you won't believe how you ever lived without it. Unless I get distracted or bored and wander off, in which case, eh, no big loss.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Today's Cul de Sac
When I drew this one I fussed with the background too much, putting in all this crosshatching and textured greys and all that mess. In a sudden fit of disgust and lucidity I blotted it all out with black ink. Nice, tasteful, simple black ink. Dr. Ph. Martin's Hi-Carb Black Ink to be specific.
There, that's my tale of drama, conflict and resolution for today.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
New Cul de Sac Animations to Make Your Life More Fun
Thanks to the fine folks at Ringtales, through the courtesy of Babelgum, here are four more animated Cul de Sacs. If you listen carefully to the last episode, The One That Got Away, you'll hear my wife, the fabulous and accomplished Amy Greenisen Thompson, say "no."
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The Wisdom of Bill Griffith

This is the best advice for drawing comics I've ever seen. Forty points by Zippy's friend, Bill Griffith. Thanks to Sherm Cohen at Cartoon Snap, passed along by Tom Spurgeon at Comics Reporter.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
One Fine Sunday in the Funny Pages
John Read, the indefatigable editor, publisher and comics fan, is putting together a show of original comic strip art that you could call wide-ranging, if you were given to understatement. He picked the publishing date of April 11, 2010 (that's today) and asked as many syndicated cartoonists as he could think of (pretty much all of them) to lend that day's original drawing for a show that, well, here's what John says-
I’m beginning with an exhibit featuring currently-syndicated comic strips. This show will be a unique, one-of-a-kind collection of today’s comics, from the oldest, The Katzenjammer Kids and Gasoline Alley, to the newest, Dustin, and will be billed as “a celebration of a quintessentially American Sunday pleasure.” One Fine Sunday in the Funny Pages will feature the original art of 85 to 100 different comic strips and panels (that will have been) published in newspapers on the same Sunday (April 11, 2010). Alongside the framed “raw” art of the strips will be displayed the actual comics sections from newspapers across the country, giving people a behind-the-scenes, before-and-after experience. The first showing of One Fine Sunday will begin in late May/early June of 2010.A mostly-complete list of those comics John's got lined up is here, though it's grown to over 100 by now, some by cartoonists who hadn't even been born when John first thought this up I'll bet. And, if it works, I understand there'll be a printed color supplement version of the entire show, a chromatic effulgence of such brilliance and radiance it should only be viewed through smoked glasses lest it drive the beholder mad. From what I've seen of John's ingenious schemes, they mostly do work.
Above is what I came up with. The original's a mess, blops of white-out and food stains (probably jelly) all over it. So I hope the frame John puts it in is nice.
Monday, April 5, 2010
The Big U
I swiped this from the Universal Press Editors' Blog. It's a photo taken by Hugh Andrews of the looming shadow of the the UPS headquarter's big U logo cast on a neighboring building. It's like that scene in Journey to the Center of the Earth where the cast shadow of the Icelandic volcano Snæfellsjökull points out the crater that will lead the Lidenbrock party to the Earth's center. I'll bet you were thinking that too, right? So, c'mon Hugh and John and everybody! See if the big U points the way to a land of living dinosaurs and giant mushrooms and Pat Boone, who was in the movie version!
A Mostly True History
UPDATED Chris Sparks and Me and My Big Mouth UPDATED AGAIN
UPDATE- Here's the whole darn thing in 7 (seven!) parts. Bring a snack.
My friend Chris Sparks (comics fan extraordinaire, cheesemonger, web designer, Ashevillian) made me answer questions into a microphone a few months back. Here are 3 of 4 parts of it (hint- I'm the one who mumbles): 1, 2, 3. The whole thing runs about 14 minutes, though I haven't listened to all of it yet. The part where we get into a big fight about Popeye is epic.
And here's part 4. Part 5 will appear when it's been properly vetted for language.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
New Cul de Sac Animations
Saturday, April 3, 2010
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