In the Great Computer Crash of Aught-9 we lost most all of our old emails and a good chunk of our addresses. If I owe you an email you might want to send me a new one, or send one just to remind me of your address. Emails that include cathartic or uplifting jokes will, of course, receive priority.
Isn't that great, though, in a way? It's like starting a new life.
It reminds me of a cartoon I recently saw, featuring a boy with a backpack full of homework. Pooof! Gone!
Good luck with your new computer. Maybe you should have a shaman come over to bless it to keep bad spirits away ?
Can you not recover the e-mails from the hard drive on the dead computer? Usually, if it's not the drive itself that's dead (as opposed to the processor, motherboard or power supply), you can get your files back by attaching the old drive to the new machine.
1. I have twice recovered all my info from the hard drive when the rest of the computer was a paperweight. Hope you haven't thrown the old beast out yet.
2. I also had my car and all belongings stolen during a move. There's a lot to be said for a clean start.
You realize, if you hadn't taken the uh-oh baby from his place on your sidebar ...
You'll need to do better than blowing up your computer if you're trying to lose my email address. Here it is: spotthefrog@gmail.com
I'll second what Mike said. In fact, when my Mac hard drive melted down and stopped playing nice, I was able to use a utility that carefully went through and found about 98% of everything that was on there.
You can also pay a couple hundred bucks to a data recovery outfit and they'll do it for you. Depends on what it's worth to you.
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