Finally, with my profound thanks for your contributions and apologies for my slowness in posting them, here's some Fan Art.
First, from Ross Klettke, this engaging portrait of, in his words, "someone who kinda looks like Petey." That's about as close as I ever get. And please admire the lovely frame-

Next, from Navy Bean, comes a loving rendering of Alice in all her glory. Getting Alice's hair right is particularly hard; I never do, but Navy nailed it.

From poet-cartoonist Teresa Dowlatshahi, Miss Bliss. Teresa reports that she's scared of Miss Bliss's formidable bun. I hope that drawing it exorcized that demon, though it's never worked for me.

This impressive full length portrait of Beni is provided by Asa Giannini. I especially admire the hammer, the houses, and the subtle color sense.

The famed John Glynn sent this bust of children's author Oswaldo Twee, which is acutely observed and personally flattering.

We thank Anonymous for the following. I've always admired the work of Anonymous in all the arts and this may well be his/her finest effort.
Our friend and renaissance man Chris Sparks sent us this compelling Alice via Facebook. Among Chris's many accomplishments (web designer, art collector, father) he's also a master cheesemonger, which is as much fun to type as it is to say!
Stan Ortega chose to limn Annoyed Guy in Movie Theatre, whose memorable turn in a Sunday strip is still the talk of comics fans across the nation. Those eyes, how they haunt me!

From Argentina, from the pen of the mighty Kioskerman, comes this passionate. lively and wholly wonderful Alice. Gracias, Pablo!
Dallion sends us this wonderful sketch of an unexpected subject. Nice choice, Dallion, and keep it up with the pen & ink. Just remember that ink's a liquid medium like watercolor and that happy accidents are your best friend!

There you are, the first collection of CdS Fan Art from the magic day that Saturday happened on Wednesday. More later.