Thursday, September 9, 2010

Third Time's the Charm

Today is the third anniversary of the launch of Cul de Sac as a daily strip, courtesy of the fine folks at Universal Press (who just picked up a strip called "Peanuts" that I've heard nice things about).

The only sensible reply to this is, How nice- where's Today's Cul de Sac with commentary?


  1. Happy anniversary! Lucky us! Cul de Sac is a tickle of joy that helps sustain me day by day.
    Thank you, Mr. Thompson!

  2. Happy Anniversary! I'd like to say something over the top about how you are one of the best cartoonist ever and this is one of the greatest strips ever but........
    I don't want you to get too big of a head where that you can't even make it into your studio!
    Thanks for all the wonderful stories!

  3. Happy anniversary! Love love love this strip beyond all reasoning.

  4. Happy Anniversary! I think yours is the best strip on the market today!

    Just purchased and read the Golden Treasury this week. I have a question: are Ernesto and Andre cousins? There are similar appearance traits in each. If they are not, they should be: it would open up tons of possibilites if they were related to one another.

    Thank you, thank you, and keep up the great work!

  5. Congratulations, Richard, and here's to many, many more. You've achieved a rarity in today's comic world: you've created a classic, and I feel privileged to follow it every day.

    Thank you.

  6. Ah - finally the terrible twos are over.


  7. Congratulations! Here's to many, many more!

  8. A Happy 3rd to the Otterloops and you, Mr. Thompson!

  9. I have never been moved by a comic as much as yours. After I read my stuff and then yours, I'm happy and depressed. You are the greatest living cartoonist.

  10. Congratulations Richard! Looking forward to many more.

  11. Happy cartoony birthday to you - wish I could be there to help give you the bumps.

  12. That's a nice landmark, congratulations! Just do it 17 more times and you'll zoom past that piker Schulz. I wish I could say "Zip! Pow! Love you!" just like Gilda92 did; sadly, I don't really know you. But I love your strip!
