Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Final Crummy Commercial

This will be your final warning, thankfully. Today's the last day of SPX, and I'll be sitting on one of the hotel's strangely low chairs at the table across from the CBLDF spread, to your left as you enter the room, at these convenient times.

Sunday 12:30PM - 1:30 PM
Sunday 4PM-5:30PM

I'll have books, T-shirts and original art available. And at 2:00 I'll be on a panel called "Brave New Comic Strip" featuring the vocal stylings of
Keith Knight, Marguerite Dabaie and your host, Mike Rhode. It may change the future of the medium, hopefully for the better.


  1. Very pleased to meet you at SPX today. Thanks for the completely awesome pic of Alice, dedicated to Julius, in the Golden Treasury!

  2. Yup, it was great meeting you at SPX as well! I was cracking up on the airplane while reading your strips! Hope you enjoyed my little comic, PF4 :)

  3. It was a pleasure meeting you and thanks again for the great "fish slapping bear" dedication! :)
