Monday, March 1, 2010

Hey, Denver Post!



  1. Yeesh! Add Denver to the list of places I could not live!

  2. Yeah, the Denver Post sucks. The comics, especially Cul de Sac, are why I subscribe to their sorry excuse for a newspaper -- oh yeah, the news is nice but comics are life!

  3. I'm glad I live in DC. We made need a microscope to read the comics in The Washington Post these days, but at least we're still getting them.

  4. I moved to the Denver area last fall, and thought it was really cool that the Post had some 4 pages of comics, including Cul de Sac like back in Detroit. Was really disappointed to hear today's news.

  5. Yeah, the hell with them! Pi-tui!

  6. until they addCul de Sac back... I am no longer a broncos fan!

  7. I voted to keep you! I love your comic and was very disheartened to see it missing from the Post.

    I was going to send an e-mail protest since they asked what we thought of the new format... dunno if it'll do any good.

    I miss Alice and Dill and Earnesto and and and.... 'sob'

  8. This is so distressing! And not to speak ill of any other comic specifically, but how some of those titles survived the cut mystifies me.
    Thank heavens for the links here, so I can keep up with the Otterloops. My condolences Richard.

  9. After consulting with my local witch doctor, I have placed the following curse on this "Denver Post." They can expect intermittent ink clotting and a sudden influx of the endangered species of Bucktoothed Cricket within their presses. A quick call to the EPA oughta fix their wagon.

  10. I called and voiced my complaint..people SHOULD call or email it DOES have SOME impact and let them know that people are sick of the same ol same stuff in the comics page..and cuts in general..heck if any newspaper is SMART they should be ADDING comics and ADVERTISING the fact they have more comics than anybody!!!
    The Rocky Mtn News had great comics,when they folded I knew that the Post would be doing this ...

  11. Along with a pogrom against pit bull breeds - and the brown cloud hanging over the city - losing Cul de Sac is another good reason not to live in Denver.

  12. Family Circus over cul de sac??

    I don't get it.

  13. look at the bright side. Given the nature of most of the strips that won the poll and those that lost, being canceled means CDS is original, witty, and well-worth reading!
