Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fan Art Saturday Falls On A Sunday This Week

David Paccia, who runs the blog David Wasting Paper, sent in these two fine portraits; Dill looking horrified and Alice probably provoking Dill's horrification. Thanks, David! He's had an excellent run of interviews with cartoonists & illustrators on his blog in the last few months, so go and read!

And Mr. Chris Sparks, designer, comics aficionado, cheesemonger and friend, sent me this design for a magnet he's produced. Excellent, and I understand there's nothing like it for tacking vital papers to your refrigerator, dishwasher, robot or other appliance. Thanks, Chris!


  1. Nice to see how many people appreciate your characters.
    I have both of your books now, and I hope there'll be another one eventually.
    Very fine work; right up there with Schulz and Watterson.

  2. Is that magnet carved out of cheese?

  3. Mike,
    I did try that. Gloucester(yellow),Cambozola(white),for the black I used the wax from reypenaer cheese. So I huhh ate that one. and made this one in Illustrator. The final version also has a website in white on the bottom black line. Im such a nerd!
