Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Big Fancy San Diego Comic Con Report

It was all a happy blur. It might've helped if I'd taken the time to wipe my glasses off, but that would probably have destroyed the mystery, and when you're confronted with 125.000 people, the majority of whom are dressed as Wonder Woman, mystery is what you cling to.

More to come as my memory clears.


  1. The report and the picture are not too bad, considering the 62,501 (at least!) Wonder Women.

  2. That picture doesn't show the pyrotechnics show you had going on throughout the presentation.

    It put the Twilight panel to shame.

  3. Dickie, err I mean Mr Thompson...did anyone videotape or transcribe your presentation?

  4. My first animation convention was like that, your walking down the hall at 2am and several creatures are walking towards you with a Japanese school girl holding a sword !

    Gosh I missed your presentation with pyrotechnics ! bummer
    Kid Shay was so lucky. . .

  5. I've sat down at least four times in the last two weeks to write a San Diego report, and each time I've found the task too daunting. So, I just posted a bunch of photos!

    Either way, t was great to see you there, however briefly! We'll have to get in some "quality time" at SPX.

  6. I hope you'll find your way up 95 to do something at Baltimore.
