Wednesday, August 5, 2009


While I wait for my memories of San Diego to return, here's a job I did for my friend Bono Mitchell, the Graphic Goddess. When watercolor works, it's the most satisfying medium there is (when it doesn't it's an invitation to homicide). For the ground I used one of my favorite mixes- Daniel Smith Quinacridone Burnt Orange and Grumbacher Terre Verte. The quinacridone is transparent and staining and the terre verte is opaque and sedimentary so you get lots of happy accidents while they fight it out on the paper.

As a bonus, here's a previous cover. To view the full series see this post.


  1. Reading this, I think that my palette could stand a little more divisiveness. I open that thing up and they're all singing "Kum-ba-yah". And Cobalt Blue can't keep a tune.

  2. When I saw just the first part in my RSS reader, I thought "New 'Cul de Sac' book!"

    My disappointment was then replaced with jealousy at your amazing skills at watercolor.

  3. Hahahahahahahahahaahh...

    Wait a minute, which government program is this making fun of?

  4. Gee I really wish my industry had a trade rag with editors bright enough to use you for the occasional cover.

    Sock about to be lost from the highchair kid's foot: sublime.
