Friday, July 24, 2009

Today's Pearls Before Swine

Leaves me speechless with delight. especially as how I can sue for millions and retire in comfort. Thanks, Stephan!


  1. Awesome. That was a collision of three of my favorite comics.

    Also, I have to admit that Alice is pretty frightening in that strip.

  2. Lol i hope that u dont sue for real! Cause that was just a little joke!

  3. On the other hand, I would never have heard of "Cul de Sac" if not for 'Pearls Before Swine". Now I have TWO favorite cartoons!

    Why not incorporate some "Pearls" into your cartoon? It would be hilarious.

  4. Are you going to now appear in the Pearls strip as a bulldozer driving Elvis impersonator?

  5. Who is the kid who can't speak and what strip is he from? I've read it, but can't remember the name.

  6. Anonymous: That is Lio, from the strip, uh, Lio.

    From my perspective, the best thing about this Pearls strip is that it got Cul de Sac into the L.A. Times, something I have been unsuccessful at doing so far.

  7. "The fair use of a copyrighted work...for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching..., scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright." This is obvious scholarship. You can sue, but you cannot win; and you cannot retire, EVER.

  8. the panel was great yesterday.

    Sorry I didn't get a chance to say hello, but I had to skedaddle to another panel right afterward.

    /predictably, asked about the uh-oh baby

  9. It was like "The Perfect Storm" no?

    LOL ! ! !

  10. I am just now getting hooked on Cul de Sac and it is fast becoming one of my favorites. I loved the blurred boundaries there in Pearls Before Swine and Alice is having my childhood. Keep drawing!

  11. it was like reading them all at once...tee hee

  12. Sue Stephan's pastis off!

    Alice does make an awfully good pyromaniac, though. Who knows, maybe she could even get Petey to join her, since fire kills germs, isn't wet or slimy, and doesn't involve grass clippings.
