Is that thing a tiki head, an Easter Island head or Abraham Lincoln? I just figure it's a pretty off-putting restaurant tchotchke and not at all condusive to fine dining.
You'll note "lowering" was changed to "glowering" in the final version, if you have time for such things.
I laughed so hard when I saw the Lincoln tiki (in the paper; the Oregonian is one of the enlightened papers that carries cul de sac) yesterday. And every time it caught my eye I laughed again. That rowboat morphing like the alien in Alien. (Petey, c'est moi!)
I love this one. I especially like Alice's method of coping with stressors.
The nicest thing is that you drew the wall twice in a row instead of doing a pasteup or a photoshop or whatever it is that these lazy cartoonists do. This means you work harder and your cartoons are, hence, more sincere, my friend!
Its eyes follow Petey no matter where he sits.
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