Friday, October 24, 2008

Saturday Night at the Writer's Center

Tomorrow night the Writer's Center in Bethesda MD is holding a panel discussion called Political Cartooning in an Election Year at 7:30. On the panel will be King Kevin Kallaugher , Master Matt Wuerker and me . Kal and Matt will present an informative, dazzling multi-media tour of recent politics, a landscape right out of Hieronymous Bosch for sure. I'll mostly defer to them, as they're far more experienced, wiser and slightly older than me. And I don't know how to work a powerpoint thing, so I'll do a chalk talk.
And afterwards we're all heading over to the Tastee Diner, so the waitress can call us Honey and bring us a plate of scrapple and eggs.


  1. This comment is unrelated to the above post, but I was thrilled -- thrilled I tells 'ya! -- to open up today's Boston Globe to find that starting today they've added Cul de Sac to their stable of comics.

  2. Incredible, a newspaper these days that adds comic strips instead of taking them out. (Still bitter up here about losing Zippy from The Venerable Sun.)

    Planning to be in Bethesday tomorrow night.

  3. For most of my life, I assumed (yeah, yeah) that scrapple was strictly a Pennsylvania affliction.

    Then I saw the Wire episode where McNulty drunkenly wrecks his car, then orders scrapple and eggs at a diner.

  4. "Can I get a scrapple with that?" is my current IMDb sig.

  5. Waaah!! I grew up in the WMA. Now I live 600 miles south of that tempest in a teapot, of that venerable verbose province. I wish I could attend. I miss all those educational moments that don't seem to exist elsewhere in this nation. I miss the opportunities to learn, or at least be challenged to think, firsthand from the casual public gatherings that DC and environs coughs up on a regular basis.

  6. Unrelated: I'm reading the Laura Lippman serial that's being published in the NY Times Magazine. It takes place in Baltimore, and one of the characters referenced bad traffic on the outer loop. Outer Loop! Otterloop! I get it!
