Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bark the Vote

This is a cover for the Comic Book section of Nickelodeon Magazine. I'd probably vote for dogs, as they'd more likely have the good of the pack in mind, whereas cats would think only of themselves. Yet somehow the rodents keep getting into office.
There, that's my political thought for the day.

(The patriotic dog in the upper left corner is by the great Sam Henderson.)


  1. Beautiful Richard! A great homage to Mad magazine.Very funny!

  2. Love your "Label" today

    vote naked mole rat


  3. Cats would be the first with attack ads. The ad would begin looking out over a grassy field. You'd notice a set of eyes staring straight into the camera. The pupils would become enormous. Then the camera would be knocked off its tripod by the attacking cat.

    "The cat approves this message."

  4. The dogs would lift their legs and wet the cats' campaign signs.

    "The dogs approve this message."

    When does this cover run, Richard? I'd like to grab a copy of it.

    Beautiful work!

  5. Amazing.
    Bought the Cul de Sac book and now I am waiting for the 2nd.

  6. And then there's Douglas Adams' take:

    "Because if they didn't vote for a lizard the wrong lizard might get in. Got any gin?" - Ford Prefect

  7. I'm also a freelance illustrator, and looking at your blog posts makes me want to quit.

    Can you try drawing with your other hand for the next 20 yrs or so, it would really help me out?


  8. I'm so glad it printed well! The original was so beautiful!

  9. This is on the inside covering the comics section, not the cover of the whole magazine. So look for the November issues in particular.

  10. Er, would my choices be McCairn Terrier or Bark Obama? Couldn't resist. A wonderful illo!
