Thursday, May 1, 2008

Countdown to Free Comic Book Day Part II: Lo, It Approacheth Ever Closer!!

The excitement is at fever-pitch as we approach Free Comic Book Day 2008, which is of course tomorrow. This cartoon is from last year. Mangaloid Wars X: Giant Spazzoid Zombie Robots Invade! is just about my second favorite thing I've ever written, and if they made a movie of it I'd totally go see it. If only to see Michael Bay's take on Tennessee Williams.

Again, thanks to Mike Rhode.


  1. HOLY CRAP! "Big Lulu" had me laughing out loud JUST with the concept and the bustier, but then just the mention of Frank Miller actually forced me into laugh out loud (henceforth to referred to as simply "lol") territory. Great joke.

    I can imagine Tubby's inner monologue now...

  2. Crazy. You are indeed pleasantly nuts, Mr Thompson.

    Say now, when's another edition of the Almanack book coming out, with all this good stuff not found in the present one?

  3. Great stuff. BIG LULU is an exciting property, for sure. Drop that inky pen and fly out to Hollywood and pitch, pitch, pitch!

    I'd like to see Michael Bay do a series of remakes on those pokey British Merchant/Ivory films. ROOM WITH A BOOOOM!, WHERE ANGELS FEAR TO BLOW UP, HOWITZER'S END, THE REMAINS OF THE D-DAY ... gee whiz ... these titles just write themselves. Scary.

  4. I saw MWX:GSZRI-The Movie. It was piercing portrayal of the loss of innocence, but it sucked.

  5. The power of Dinky Duckling compels me.

  6. Mangaloid reminds me of Ashley Wood's Robot's versus Zombies.

    tres magnifique

  7. i would actually want to read the mangaloid one. or anyway, i could see somebody doing something interesting with it. or uhm, anyhow.

  8. I just don't know what to say about all this...mostly because I can't stop laughing.
