Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Countdown to Free Comic Book Day

You can already feel the excitement building as we get closer to Saturday and the nationwide celebration of Free Comic Book Day, or FDCB for short. In honor of FBDC '06, I did this Almanack in, um, 2006. Twelve people probably understood it, but in '07 I did another one on BFDC and thirteen people got that one! This year, if I do a DBFC caratoon, I project an even fourteen readers who'll know what I'm talking about.

And look, you could've gotten a free Little Neuro comic book, just like Petey reads. And who doesn't want to be like Petey? I'll post the Almanack on DCVII '07 tomorrow. And my thanks to Mike Rhode for pulling this off his wall and out of its frame and scanning it for me.


  1. Thanks for this. I loved Captain Tie-In so much I borrowed it (with due credit) and put it on my blog to help celebrate FCBD. I owe you the first round at the Reubens!

  2. I don't understand all this fuss about "freeing the comics" day. I mean, some of 'em deservere incarceration..what's that?...OHHHHhhhhh. Can't wait for FCBD. Great comic!

  3. Oh, it was my pleasure. It's an awesome responsibility to have it on my wall and I'm glad to be able to help you share it. I'll put the 40mb tif file in a wheelbarrow and drop it off one day.
