The blog of Richard Thompson, caricaturist, creator of "Cul de Sac," and winner of the 2011 Reuben Award for Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Alert readers (I have no other kind) may have noticed the "Cul de Sac: the Book" link to the right there.
Here's what you get-
128 pages of real paper; real ink too, a carbon-petroleum-beef mix, none of that soy stuff; there's some glue in there somewhere, too, I don't know what kind it is but don't eat it; an insightful foreword; 40+ pages of the original watercolor Cul de Sacs as they appeared in the Wash Post Magazine; the first 6 or 7 months of newspaper strips in b&w or color as appropriate; a brand new, never-seen and original isbn number; three laughs guaranteed, the rest are gravy.
Here's what you lose-
about 15 bucks including shipping; several hours of your valuable time; the respect of your peers who don't read comics because they're for little kids; some of you faith in humanity, because of all the scathing insights contained herein; your patience, because this thing isn't coming out till late summer.
Also, for the first 50 people who buy Cul de Sac, here's a limited offer! Drive slowly by my house and I'll wave to you from my basement window! Make sure your receipt is plainly visible so I'll know it's you.


Anonymous said...

What I have to do to get a copy?!

nolanart said...

Excellent! I don't live close enough for a drive by, so I'll accept your wave in spirit.

Anonymous said...

Yep! The link in the right, I see it now. Sorry!

Danny Fry said...

Maybe they'll let you out of the basement for a book signing or two.

I have to say seeing the watercolour versions of your strips on your blog is always a treat! I can't wait to get my grubby mits on that book.

Rob Tornoe said...
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Rob Tornoe said...

Hopefully I can save the $12 between now and then. Does Amazon accept cartoons as payment?

Dustin Harbin said...

This blog is my very favorite to see updates from. Bar none. I ALWAYS enjoy whatever it is, and almost always laugh out loud or am smiling ear to ear by the time I finish reading. Oh, Richard Thompson: Where have you been all my life?

Todd Harlan said...

Hey Richard, any chance you might have some advance copies for sale at HeroesCon?

Bailey Munroe said...

YESYESYES!!! Just what I've been thinking about since I read your (my) first cul de sac comic strip about 2 months ago give-or-take. So you're publishing a book? Can't tell you how thrilled I am. Keep up the great work, I love your sense of humor. When is it coming out? I've gotta read 'em all!

Rex Immensae Majestatis Chapman said...

Late summer?!?!? But I want it nooooooooow!!!!!!

Mike Rhode said...

I happen to know that he doesn't have a basement window on the street side - you'll have to drive up and down his driveway instead... buy the lemonade from the kids if you do that.

richardcthompson said...

I'd spent enough of the week staring at comic strips that I was getting fed up with 'em. But oh boy, the excitement builds! And now I want my copy too!

The official date is September 1, but I'll find out if it's actually earlier and let you all know.