Saturday, December 22, 2007

A Cul de Sac of Yesteryear

This is from the Post Magazine of December 10, 2006. It's all true, pretty much. Sorry to chop it up into bits; I still don't know how to tile images after scanning them. Maybe next year.


  1. I absolutely love the melancholy of this comic and how it goes farcical in the last panel. It's just wonderfully bittersweet.

    On an unrelated note, I also love clicking on each panel to see the high-res version of your artwork. So much more to appreciate when it's full size.

    Kudos to you, Mr Thompson. And a very merry Christmas to you and yours.


  2. Thanks, Brian, and the same to you & yours!

  3. Well said, Brian.

    And Alice's hat hair today is the best Christmas present this year.

  4. Brilliant and inspiring stuff, both the yesteryear and today's strip. I especially love the use of color in the yesteryear strip. In many strips it's just there because it's Sunday, but in this strip it really carries the storyline.

    Merry Christmas and may your 2008 be so wonderful that it makes 2007 look like a roadside dog turd. Cheers!

  5. Merry Christmas, Here Today (don't be too gone tomorrow)!

    And to you too, CHB! And, dang, can I use that on a card?

  6. Another great strip again today.

    Petey strikes me as the kind of kid who would stop in the middle of opening presents because he spots a piece of tape on a package that contains a fingerprint. He needs to carefully remove it and add it to his collection of Elf evidence.

  7. Haha! Hey, chb, can I use that in a strip? Maybe in a few years when you've forgotten you thought of it first? Or would you like a job as a poorly-paid ghost writer?

  8. I'd be honored, Richard. In fact, I've already forgotten it. Who's Petey? You have my hearty endorsement to delete the whole comment thread about it and it'll be "like it never even happened". I'll consider the forth-coming "Lovely Lud" as ample compensation.
