Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Alice's Indignation

I worry that the strip for December 26th dealing with Alice and her Dad may be a little harsh, and that Dad shows up in too poor a light. I got an email from a reader complaining about the Sunday strip where Dad bounces Alice on his knee; the actual complaint was based on a misreading of the strip, but it made me pause and think (which isn't always a good thing to do, but sometimes is).

But in regards to the December 26th strip, adults make a fuss over children when they do something cute, especially if it's an unwitting cute thing, and kids don't always appreciate it. Let's just say that Alice and her Dad have a loving yet fraught relationship, like all such relationships. And that she's probably got the more potent personality so they're not too unevenly matched, despite the disparity in size.


  1. My poor mother is bitterly fond of quoting her now seven year old twin, curly-headed, distressingly cute as in stopping-traffic-cute granddaughters, "You don't need to look at us, Grandma!"

    You were spot on.

    (And may I just say that your painting of Rosie O'Donnell giving Donald Trump a noogie just about made me fall off the sofa laughing this morning.)

  2. Haha! Cuteness is a curse and a burden, I guess.

    And glad you liked Rosie vs. The D. It was fun to draw, too.
