Monday, November 5, 2007

Peanut Allergies

Here's this week's Poor Almanack. Charlie Brown's head, for all it's simplicity, is hard to draw. And the zigzag is even worse.


  1. Your rendition of Violet is superb. And you must have used a compass straight from schulz's drawing board because Charlie Brown's head looks perfect. How many times did you have to draw it?

  2. I use a lightbox, so I traced a pencil sketch (not a Schulz, that's cheatin'). But I erased and redrew the pencil sketch so many times the paper was wafer-thin.

  3. I use a light box, but I might have been tempted to trace an authentic Charlie Brown head. Either that or lay my my head on the paper and trace around it.

  4. Aha! You WERE planning on taking over the strip if they continued with a new cartoonist.

  5. Well, not to stir up more controversy ... BUT ...

    I believe Violet merely flinched and let the ball roll away from CB's kick. It was Lucy who actually came up with the action of pulling the ball away. The germ of the idea may have been Violet's, but Lucy really made the thing work.

  6. Yeah, but she's bitter, 'cause she screwed up. It coulda all been hers, if only she'd been the fussbudget.
