Thursday, October 10, 2019

Thompson art for National Geographic's Everyday Science Explained

Yesterday, we took a look at the 2003 edition of the book New Everyday Science Explained, and I had a suspicion that the earlier Everyday Science Explained by Curt Suplee (National Geographic Society, 1996, ISBN 0-7922-3410-3) might have more images, and more in color (since Richard usually worked in color watercolor and never in grey washes that I can recall. I'm sure there's exceptions, but...)

As you'd expect from that opening, I was right, and thanks to a National Geographic contact, here are his illustrations in glorious color, along with a new dozen or so. More, bigger, and better!

Wasn't this version much nicer? Since they were already paying for full color pages, I have no idea why the publisher dropped the color on most of the images for the 2003 book.


  1. You're right!! The color versions really pop! Nice find, Mike!!

  2. Wow! You're right! The color version really does pop! Nice find, Mike!!

  3. Even without an immediate context these are great. Man, what an artist!
