Saturday, June 7, 2014

That Wyeth Guy

They're having a show at the National Gallery of some of Andrew Wyeth's calendar-ready brown paintings, so I went down for a quick spin through it with some friends. The gift shop was very tasteful. My friend Nick likes Wyeth a lot, and one of the visiting firemen with us was okay with him, though he preferred Jamie, the cute one. I've always had problems with most Wyeths, except N.C. So I drew this, but didn't know what to do with it, about 20 years ago. I still like it.


  1. "Come down to my farmhouse so I can paint your picture" was a pretty good line.

  2. N.C. was head an shoulders above Andrew and Jamie. N.C. was only a mere "illustrator," which is almost as far down the artistic pecking order as a "cartoonist."

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Apparently my comment was so good, it was posted twice!
