Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hopsy Bunsy & Peeps McCracken

This has been posted before, but I love it, so much so that I did two more almost exactly like it. In the first sketch I'd originally had Hopsy saying "JESUS CHRIST", but I knew my editor's limits. And it may make slightly more sense if you know that Doonesbury ran under the Almanac on the third page of Style.


  1. Can we see the two others? Pretty please?

    Also, I hope you don't mind but I post your cartoons on my blog with some frequency; however, I always link them back to the source!

  2. Wow. I'm exceedingly grateful for your editor's good taste.

  3. Doonesbury should have the egg on his face!

  4. Well jeez, I wish I had the original newspaper... How am I supposed to hunt for eggs (and BARGAINS) now?! This digital age...

    Beautiful and inspirational work as always. I love the progression of poor Peeps McCracken.
