Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Visit to Tai Shan

This ran in the Post Magazine in January 2006 when Tai Shan mania gripped DC in a relentless hug. I'd developed an antipathy to pandas for no good reason and about the time the National Zoo was paying the Chinese through the nose to rent a coupla pandas I did a poem in the Almanac trash talking the lumbering brutes. I can't find that drawing, but part of it went "Pandas are boring, tedious and blah, Great big two-tone fuzzy cures for insomnia." It didn't do any good: the Zoo is at it again.


  1. Got my copy of "The Might Alice" today. It's for my son's birthday in August, but I'm (ever-so-carefully) reading it first. It's wonderful!

    Agree with you on pandas.

  2. So, what DID the railing taste like?

  3. Thanks, Ironmom! No need to be too careful - you can always buy more.

    Mike, I'm guessing germs.

  4. I just assumed you researched these things ...

  5. The railing pannel got me actually laughing out loud on a plane, cheers Richard:-)

  6. I loved Alice chomping the rail. Perfect memory.

    I was doing a cocktail of the month on my blog back then..or was it week?...anyway, I invented a panda cocktail (black and white,) and did a pen/watercolor of the little Butterstick.

    It was weekly:
