Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cul de Sac Yesterday and Today, April 21& 22 2012

So I inked these two strips all by myself, which is kind of novel these days.

Either he's gotten a new haircut or I've forgotten how Andre Chang's head is shaped. He's been gradually increasing in size since he was first sighted in the strip 20 months or so ago. Someone told me he's really one of Sendak's Wild Things and there's no stopping him from getting larger and hairier, but that's life.

From August, 2010,when Alice first met Andre. Below, another Dill's Dream Sunday, meaning another excuse to draw something I wouldn't otherwise draw.


  1. no offense intended to the super talented cohort working with you now, but NO ONE can ink your strip like you do

  2. Lovely stuff! This weekend's the first time I've seen Thompson inks on actual newsprint.

    PS Nice job on all the other ones, Stacy!

  3. Kind of looks like Andre NEEDS a new haircut. My boys all looked remarkably like Andre does now, just before I took the clippers to their hair.

  4. Just beautiful, I saw the Sunday strip in the Lexington paper. Its still better in black and white.

  5. I hope you will be able to return to full-time inking duties before too long!

  6. im confused dose andre have or not have glasses
