Thursday, January 12, 2012

Today's Cul de Sac, January 12 2012

I used the sled-dragging joke before, in December 2008. It's even the same onomatopoeia. The drawing looks neater in the earlier version; I got fussy with the white-out on this one and didn't know when to stop fixing it. And I couldn't find the pen nib I usually use for lettering. The one I fell back on was feebler. Also, that's the worst signature I ever signed. Why you people read a strip with such shoddy standards is, quite frankly, beyond me.


  1. I tried to bring this up to read it at work but our web security flagged it & wouldn't let me open it. Said it was about sex. So I was really eager to come home & read it - and although this is really funny, I was a little bit disappointed :)

  2. No, really! You'll suffocate with laughter when you read tomorrow's strip! You might want to stay up till 1 AM EST and be there when GoComics updates just so you can tell people that you were there when CdS120113 first appeared.

  3. Hey Bug,

    See? I warned you it wasn't all that good.

  4. Really, Richard, we all expect much better. Tomorrow's better shimmer, mister!

  5. They're both variations on a funny idea. And both are funny. No apology needed. Besides which, great comics writers return to certain motifs. Schulz, for example, did it often.

    Cul de Sac remains my favorite contemporary strip. I read each one at least twice a day (loved the Dil-Alice relationship on Friday & Saturday of last week, by the way), and look forward to The Mighty Alice!

  6. why is it in all capitals today is it cause of the different pen nib thingy

  7. Snow peas. Snort. You're right - it was worth it :)
