Wednesday, January 18, 2012


For all the supportive comments and emails. I was glad to hear from so many that you don't mind repeats* and that you'll still be here when I get back. Till then please don't mess with any of my stuff.

*Paul Karasik may actually prefer them.


  1. Thank you for making our day a little brighter. In my dull life, I need it. You make us Laugh out Loud everyday. Even the repeats :)

  2. Internetty things prevented me from commenting to you in a timely manner, but please, take care of yourself, know that we love you out here in regular people land, and please let's all meet back here again soon. Check in with updates when you feel it makes sense to do so, please. Also, let's all remember where we parked.

  3. Richard, all the best from your Italian friends at "Linus", Stefania, Francesca and Diego! :)

  4. Your health is far more important than our entertainment, which frankly does not suffer with repeats, as your comics can be enjoyed over and over. Best to you, Richard, from a NoVa neighbor.

  5. I’m not picky ... I laugh just as hard at the repeats! Best of luck with the PT!

  6. Your health is more important. Take all the time you need.

  7. They're not repeats; they're classics! Take care of yourself, and do everything that the nice therapist tells you to. No sulking.

  8. Wow! I know how pleased Alice feels. My father always folded sundaycomics hats for me when I was a child back when the earth was cooling.

  9. I adore your strip and Alice. I read it like religion and reruns are just fine. So good the first time and worth a second! Best wishes with your health. You can beat it!

  10. I think while you're gone, I'll cut out a lot of your Kim Jong-il heads and leave them all over D.C. It will either keep me out of trouble...or put me in it.

    Good luck with your therapy.
