Sunday, January 29, 2012

Fan Art Sunday

This blog has a long and noble tradition of posting art by fans of Cul de Sac, most of whom draw a whole lot better than the regular guy. One such is Austin Milne, who sent in this deft portrayal of Alice, Petey and Dad. He says he's drawn them all, "from Alice's imagination," which I like because it shows he's figured out the whole point if the strip. And when he's got a moment, I hope he'll explain it to me.

I'm kidding. Thank you very much, Austin! Continue to draw every day, splash around with watercolor and doodle in the margins. The last is probably the most important.


  1. An especially nice couch rendering - congrats, Austin!

  2. I dunno, Dad looks like Lio, and Petey looks like Beavis...or is that Butthead?

  3. Dad is from the strip where Alice wonders what kind of hair he had and Petey's from Crazy Hair Day. Any resemblance to Beavis & Butthead is purely my fault.

  4. yay i did this i dont pretend to be a great artist and im trying to copy the charectars of a great artist so thats not easy oh and i dont think petey looks like lio but he dosnt look much like petey either . i dont know who butthead or bevis are though.
