Thursday, November 3, 2011

Old Proto-Cul de Sac Pre-Almanac from the Paleozoic

I found this in the bottom of a drawer of old cartoons the other day. It's a first rough sketch for an Almanac from late 1997 or early '98, so it even predates the name Richard's Poor Almanac. Sotheby's puts the price on this as (conservatively) eighteen cents, so it's quite a find. I don't remember if I ever went to a final and filed this for publication in the Post, but if I did I really hope I came up with a better gag than the penultimate balloon holds. It's pretty lame.


  1. I love seeing old work like this. An 18 cent profit these days is nothing to sneeze at.

  2. I love the dark comments of Lambkins in the first frame!

  3. Pretty damn prescient, these babies!

  4. David Spade; the new Dan Ackroyd?

    --But fear not! I couldn't decipher enough of the crossed-out 2nd balloon to understand it....

  5. "Brother, you said a diaper full" is a great line.
