Monday, July 18, 2011

Today's Cul de Sac for Yesterday

I'd forgotten all about this Sunday strip. Not because I did it so long ago; it was probably drawn only a matter of hours ago. But I did get a nice surprise when it showed up, which doesn't often happen. Usually it's more a feeling of weary recognition, like, oh, you're that one, I'd forgotten about you, you  used to be funny, when did you get so worn-out looking.

This one I like just fine. It's simple enough that I could draw it half-asleep, and probably did. But it's got enough complexity to hold its own and opens the door for further elaboration in future strips. And further elaboration is something that anyone who draws a cartoon every day is always on the lookout for.


  1. Dill is so adorable in panel 5.

    Captcha: foodever. The longest span of time before a vegetable spoils.

  2. You had do do it again. Great strip R.T.

  3. Dill looks like the Big Friendly Giant.

  4. Don't know about potential for further elaboration, but no one will ever call the 7/21 strip worn-out looking!

  5. Ok, so we've got Dill getting tall, lots of gnats attacking Petey, and Alice with the horror of wasps on her manhole cover... LOts of stress in Cul de Sac. Just a thought to move to less stressful cul de sac land since its summer?: Might Alice and Dill look at clouds and find stuff in them, like Calvin and Hobbs? A sort of nod to them? A good Trembouchet I'm sure could be found in a cloud. Or Petey might get a diorama idea. Dunno. Just thinking on this lazy summer day with lots of clouds hanging above...

  6. xlpharmacy
    Looks very good! Keep up the good work and also keep posting.
