Saturday, April 9, 2011

Today's Cul de Sac for April 10, 2011

This is still the way I do math, fractions especially, a talent I've passed on to both my children. Whatever a drawing fight is I'm glad I thought of it (though others may have preceded me in inventing it). The actual fun in this, of course, is Andre's kinetic energy contrasted with Petey's stasis. They get along well as friends because their basic tastes are alike and their temperaments are not too mutually exclusive. But I think after spending extended time in each other's company they're kinda relieved to go their separate ways and be alone again.


  1. I've felt this way about fractions my whole life. Who knew they were this easy? Keep up the good work. Love the strip.

  2. hehehe XD i understand him PERFECTLY! so fresh strip, love this
