Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Of Cul de Sac, Joshua Trees, Tubeworms & Ten Other Things

Shaenon K. Garrity made me choke up twice this week. Once at Comixology and again at The Comics Jourmal.


  1. I loved the TCJ review. Very spot-on.

    Golden Treasury was in my carry-on bag during a loooooooong flight that I took recently, and I'm really glad that I had it with me.

    Shaenon took it away from me as soon as I got back and knocked out that review so quickly and effortlessly that I question why I ever even try to write about comics.

  2. Mr. Thompson, I'm glad that Shaenon Garrity has the perspicacity to enjoy your strip. I'm sorry that her review has so much self-indulgent writing and so little examination of your work. I wish that she weren't writing just to see herself write.

  3. "Making oddball characters work in a daily strip is hard; that’s why most comic-strip characters are flat and predictable stereotypes."

    I couldn't agree more. Syndicated strips are in that period TV sitcoms were in, when they tried to assemble a formulaic group of zanies but could never replicate the ensemble comedy of the Mary Tyler Moore show.

    I try to be supportive of the new stuff, but how many misanthropic talking animals and old people do we really need?

    And I agree with her, too, that your group of zanies works very well indeed. Probably because it wasn't assembled by matching numbered tabs with slots on a template.

  4. Thanks for sharing your book with Shaenon, Andrew! Glad it got you through a long flight.

    MJB, I gotta say I always enjoy Shaenon Garrity's work, like her work, even when she's not saying nice things about CdS. Go here and poke around, it's all good.

    Thanks, Mike. I always thought writing decent characters was the hardest yet noblest calling, comic strip-wise. (hey, isn't that Timese?)

  5. We have the character named Dill and that sequence where Petey goes dressed up for Trick or Treat as Boo Radley. Any chance you're a TKAM fan?

  6. Stay tuned for the extended storyline where Dill and Alice go out to Kansas so he can write a book about a murder.

  7. Oh yeah, I like TKAM a lot, it's one of those books that I read enough to go through multiple copies, and now my daughters have done the same. When I reread it in sometime in the mid eighties, it struck me that it was almost a children's book for adults. I think it was the part where Dill's in the courthouse square with Scout and he gets a drink from a character thought to be kinda dicey and it turns out it's just Coke in the paper bag, not whiskey. Somebody recently pointed out how impossibly upright Atticus is - his only failing is thinking he's a lousy parent - and how the book's characters, lovable and solid as they are, tend to fall to extremes that wouldn't work if the writing wasn't so compelling. Whatever, when I read it last, out loud a few years ago when my older daughter was 12, I choked up at the end like always, even though I could recite it from memory.

    And Mike, Ha! That'd be a great plot twist and an interesting direction in a newspaper strip.
