Sunday, September 5, 2010

Today's Cul de Sac, September 5 2010

Finally, we're up to date. This was fun to do- the silly big box store, the overblown copywriting and such, but I wish I'd staged the final action differently. It might've worked better if Alice had stepped onto the napmat and plunged immediately up to her neck in it, and in the final panel Mom had addressed Alice (whose head was only visible), saying something like, "Let's keep looking, this napmat is too fancy." No big deal, except this is the kind of thing that keeps me up at night. It's a form of George Lucas syndrome.

Oh well. The whole thread count joke was stolen from an old Poor Almanack, this one a parody of Christmas catalogs. I append the whole cartoon below, so you'll get the full effect and so I can make this post longer with minimum effort.


  1. Right away pictured her in it up to midriff & raising her elbows, and thought, I wonder if he sees a missed opportunity here?

    You can always plagiarize yourself again in a year or so. I'll be watching for it.

    Never had seen this holiday catalog Almanack. Laughed & laughed at 'Middlebrowse'!

  2. Alice changing her mind at end is perfect though. Well, or Alice is perfect, simply.

  3. But George Lucas deserves to be kept up at night...

  4. I, too, like the catalogues, particularly Middlebrowse. It's time to retire Einstein's visage.

    What is George Lucas syndrome? The maker of such mediocre to bad fare as the STAR WARS movies stays awake wondering how they could be better? If that were so, then he would have dies of utter sleep deprivation.

  5. Sorry: two typos: please read "mediocre to bad" as "mediocre-to-bad", and please read "dies" as "died". Thank you.

  6. Why order from Middlebrowse when you can just go to Spencer Gifts? I saw a T-shirt that said "I'm Rick James B***h" there.

    Ahahaha. Oh boy that was a good one...wait..where the hell did that come from?
