Thursday, August 19, 2010

Today's Cul de Sac, August 20 2010

Alice's final appearance as a family spokesman. I've finally figured out a resolution to her fish-slapping-bear obsession, though that won't happen till at least December of 2013, as I'm working that far ahead (insert sarcastic-laughter emoticon here, if there is such a thing).

Actually I'm nowhere near there, so if you'll excuse me I'm going to go finish a Sunday strip for this Sunday (not really! you can put that same emoticon here, only make it slightly more rueful). And to make matters worse, I'm going to close with a commercial message.

On September 9th I'll be signing copies of the Cul de Sac Golden Treasury at Politics & Prose along with the wonderful Keith Knight, who'll be signing The Knight Life: Chivalry Ain't Dead. For a small fee, we'll switch over and sign each other's book instead. There may be a talky thing beforehand, which I'll let Keith handle as he's vastly more entertaining than I am. More details here.


  1. Wow, that's the best double-header line-up I've come across since Cream and the Mothers of Invention played the Coliseum in Chicago in 1968!

  2. Vacation is getting to you; the bookstore's website has the event on September 9th, not the 8th. (Unless the both of you are going to be there shelving your books the day before.)

    Love the overhead perspective in panel one today, but I fear that alice's fish-slapping bear may go the way of Freida's cat in Peanuts. (Schulz played up the animal for a week or two before discovering that he had no idea how to draw a cat.)
