Friday, April 30, 2010

Free Comic Book Day, A Compendium of Old Almanacs

As everyone on Earth knows, Saturday is Free Comic Book Day. Here, again, are Poor Almanacs from the last 4 years that celebrated this fine national holiday. In other words it's another lazy repost. Mangaloid Wars X: Giant Spazzoid Zombie Robots Invade (third below) is the best thing I've ever written, I think. I should have Petey read that comic


  1. You have such a great sense of humour ^_^

  2. I would buy the Scrooge McDuck Meets Obama comic. I for one would welcome our new duck overlord.

  3. These are hilarious! Thanks for posting.

  4. If any of those were available, I'd be out to the comic shops in a thrice.

  5. tee hee. too funny..
    I'm avoiding my local comic store today. he gets all grumpy on free day...says people come in then he never sees them

  6. I have my FCBD Sergio Aragones
    T Shirt on!
    Uncle Scrooge is till my favorite hero...EVER! Oh yeah Mom is second!

  7. The Giant Spazzoid Zombie comic is not so far out. This year's selection included a preview of the cartoon adaptation of "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies." I'll admit, I got enough of the humor of the book leafing through it in the bookstore, but the comic version seems to take it seriously. That is, I think he knows a great deal more about zombies than about Jane Austen, and the result is an action comic about women in long dresses fighting zombies while spouting old-fashioned dialogue. Mr. Bennett appears to be based on Professor Xavier, and it's all very strange.

    Sometimes, being funnier than reality is a challenge.

  8. "Waiting for Sluggo", "Big Lulu", "Clem Clownpants", "Man at Desk", YES YES YES YES!

    I'm still waiting to get a glimpse of "Toad Zombies", though. Maybe some Sunday? Just a panel or three?
