Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fan Art Saturday Falls On A Wednesday, Peeps Edition

My friend Joe Sutliff, who had some time on his hands and has talent to burn, sent me these Peep Dioramas he did for the Washington Post's annual Peeps competition. I am astounded, as I'm sure you are too.

It's stuff like this that makes drawing a comic strip worthwhile. As anyone who's actually eaten a Peep will agree, I'm glad they've found another use for them as building material, and I hope they develop some way of constructing low cost, environmentally friendly housing out of the damn things. And that when they do they can find people who'd be willing to live in spongy pink and yellow houses.

Joe also made this, Alice's big ugly fountain. It's amazing, and it actually works! Dang, Joe!


  1. This is just awesome! AWESOME! Way to go!!!

  2. I now want to be a world famous cartoonist just to get awesome things like this! You are a lucky man R.T.viber

  3. Awesomely awesome. On Sunday, will be having my annual Peepacolada, and will raise my glass to Cul de Peeps.

  4. I just love this work, you really inspire me!

  5. Libby says she wants an Alice doll for Xmas! Complete with Grabmaster Megamitts! Merchandise, My Man!

  6. Last Easter my Newspaper ran an article with how to eat peeps by drying them out. Two pages !
    One man found out you can use them as a Barbecue fire stater and trail snack.
    The part where he almost burned down the back yard was very exciting ! They turn into molten fire instantly !
