Friday, January 1, 2010

Things To Come

To begin the year we present the cover to the Cul de Sac Golden Treasury, A Keepsake Garland of Classics, due out this June. It'll feature extensive Author Commentary (and I'll get it finished early next week, Caty! Swear!), which will no doubt deepen and enrich the reader's Cul de Sac-reading experience and provide unique insights into the creative process, and pad the book out to a coupla thousand pages if I can gas on about the creative process long enough, and god knows I can.

For more on what this means, go here.


  1. uhooooooooo. . . Extensive Author Commentary !

    Yea !

  2. I'm really digging this trend of books with special features.

  3. What about the un-redacted psychiatric records? Peppered with birdshot at close quarters, in slo-mo instant replay? Baby pictures from age 4? Hair and fingernail clippings, suitable for santeria rituals? My First Trauma (TM) invisible under-the-bed monster recreation, now in assorted transparent outlines, with added non-colour for the export market? Top-secret Grand Jury testimony revealing the artist's involvement in the attempted West Virginia Putsch and Paramilitary Clambake of 1987? Youth Wants to Know!

  4. Will Alice be available for book signings ??

  5. I'm happy to see a shopping cart *and* the slo-mo Jack-in-the-box make an appearance on the cover. (You could make some nice De Chirico-type paintings with those, I think.)

  6. Sounds fantastic. Love the cover.
