Sunday, January 24, 2010

Scaring Away the Customers

These are from a series of about a dozen drawings I did as promotional mailers for GVI, a video production company that my friend and neighbor Andy runs. I don't often do stuff like this, advertising or institutional or whatever category it fits into, because my work likely scares away customers, thus depressing sales. But mostly because you have to chase after work like this, and do proposals and submit a potential budget and I'm lazy and I keep going back to the same old clients over and over until they wise up and find somebody better and cheaper.

But this was fun, because Andy has taste and a sense of humor, and access to a snowblower when such a thing becomes necessary. So he's a perfect neighbor, friend and client. Each card showed a possible problem that might present itself in your search for a suitable video production company, then offered a solution on the back. And the solution, of course, is GVI- the one video production company with taste, a sense of humor, access to a snowblower and a great recipe for a frozen gin and tonic. And a nice family to boot!

For what it's worth, the first one is the best drawing but the last one is the funniest.


  1. My only thought is you should have had a fire hydrant on the street for Todo.

  2. Im a big Carl barks fan.. So I love the first one!
    The last one is my life!

  3. These are great, but you're right about chasing work. Last time I was freelancing, I decided that, if I was going to work that hard selling, it ought to be something like real estate or luxury cars with a little bigger price tag than the written word. (Things have evened out a little in that regard, these last two years. And not because people want to pay more for written words.)

  4. Agreed the last one is really funny !
    my favorite...

  5. My favorites are the first two, REaally good work Richard!

  6. These are wonderful! I'm strangely intrigued by the identical dot pattern appearing in the upper left-hand corner of all but one painting. Could it be a secret message?
