Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Pool

This ran in the Post Magazine two years ago and I meant to post it during the week of pool strips (which were, of course, reruns). It's a portrait of every suburban pool I ever frequented, or even (briefly) worked at.


  1. I am such a wuss when it comes to public pools. I grew up in AZ with my own pool, and public ones just seem creepy and disgusting to me. Besides I worked once at a public pool and the public are generally a pretty gross lot. :)

  2. Oh man, that's so great and hilarious. I've joined Brian Moore in tweeting this out so everyone can see it. I like your Steadmanesque line work here too.

  3. Argh, the semi-aquatic valkyrie... Isn't it the kind of monsters that used to circle the earth, a few centuries ago ?

  4. ...oh, you forgot to mention hair. I've never seen a public pool that wasn't, well, hairy. Urk.

  5. There's always the lurking ice cream truck coaxing from the other side of the chain link fence.

  6. it's not possible to coil a hose that way - let's work on that authenticity, shall we?

    hey, I commented!
