Tuesday, June 23, 2009

By Request

For Woodrowfan. Strangely enough, I'd just scanned this last week to send to the Funny Times, so posting it was easy.


  1. Not the Eskimos and snow thing, again! At least you had sense enough to stick "supposedly" in front of that statement.

    Don't get me started on posh or ring around the rosie.

  2. Yeah, it's nonsense. Port Out Starboard Home, right?

  3. I remember visiting DC in late June several decades ago and seeing a store window in which several of the plastic objects being displayed had melted in the sun. 'Splains why at least a couple of 19th Century presidents set up summer White Houses up in the Adirondacks or nearby.

    And, yeah, I caught the "supposedly." Works for me and the gag needs that quick set-up. Then again, what do I know? I spent 25 years in a business where you can recycle anything as long as you tag it with "reportedly."

  4. Scanned it last week? Hmmm...I just read this comic in my Funny Times that showed up Monday, so you must have been seriously pushing the deadline!

    It's pretty funny comic, though, so I hope the editor thought it was worth it...

  5. THANKS! I saw it in "Funny Times" and thought "man, I wish I had a better copy of that one!

  6. Ye cats, that one has me rolling. I love it!! You're a great cartoonist -- sad I missed you at SDCC! I was manning a booth most of the show.
