Thursday, April 30, 2009

Three Easy Steps to a Sunday Cartoon

Last Sunday's Cul de Sac made me happy, mostly because it started out as a kinda lame idea but ended up being pretty good. And , look, the colors came out pretty!
Above is the first sketch, where I had a vague idea involving Alice barging into Petey's room and annoying him with chatter. It was boring, so I gave her a puppet, which helped, but it didn't come alive until Beni joined her.
When in doubt for a big finish, introduce Dill. But I didn't know what he'd say until the very last minute. Above is the rough I sent my editor; you can see that I added the final comment outside the box. Then I moved it over to Dill's balloon, et voila.


  1. very nice to get a window in your creative process. hope we'll get to see more of those. & the gag is very good too.

  2. Thank you for showing your process. Very interesting and one of the my favorite sundays yet. I can't wait for the next treasury

  3. wow wow pretty funny as always! I read linus in italian and I'm waiting the day to have a book of cul de sac in italian, I love your worls :)

  4. ah ah ah
    this one is so funny !!!

    ... as usual

  5. great to see truly rough roughs. I always feel a bit guilty when I send poor Brendan my barely legible pencil scrawl. Piers Baker's roughs are neater than my finished artwork!

  6. Very cool, thank you for sharing your work process--and the fun thumb sketches!!!

  7. It's great to see your process here. And it's a great example of the comedy Rule of Three. One annoying kid isn't so funny. Add another annoying kid, and it's a bit funnier. But it's the THIRD annoying kid that strikes comedy gold.

  8. I love to see how you went about this.

    La dee da!

  9. I think the same thing happened to Mr. Rogers once, a hand snafu involving Henrietta Pussycat. That's show biz, Dill.

  10. awesome! I love seeing other people's process. Though, to be honest, I expected to see more magic involved ( or some type of idea-generating-chanting at the least ) . I will assume this came before the first sketch.

  11. love process sequences!
    really great!
